ABBA JAPANのホームページです。


劇団四季 マンマ・ミーア! WATERLOO RADIO

『CHESS IN CONCERT』セカンドヴァージョン⑩1986年『CHESS』MERANO/古都メラノ

『CHESS』 は1986年5月14日ロンドンで開幕したが、『CHESS IN CONCERT』はそれよりも一年半早く、1984年10月27日にロンドンのバービカン・センターで開幕した。この『CHESS IN CONCERT』は大変評判がよく、その後、パリ、アムステルダム、ハンブルクを巡演し、同年11月1日にストックホルムのベルヴァルド・ホールで幕を降ろした。この間の10月29日にLPレコードは発売された。『CHESS IN CONCERT』は来年めでたく“30周年”を迎えるのである。なぜミュージカルよりもコンサートやレコードの方が早く披露されたかと言うと、ビヨルン、ベニーがミュージシャンだったから、と思われている方も多いが、実はティム・ライスのたっての希望だった。『CHESS』上演の前に、多くの修正を行うことを可能にした。また音楽から最初に製作することはミュージカル初製作のビヨルン、ベニーにとっても好都合で、脚本を熟知する前に、大意を掴むことが出来た。なにしろ世界のABBAの二人が担当した音楽だったものだから、『CHESS』 のアルバムは瞬く間に世界を席巻し、とりわけ「ワン・ナイト・イン・バンコク」「アイ・ノウ・ヒム・ソウ・ウエル」は世界的大ヒットとなった。音楽が先行することで、ミュージカル『CHESS』の評判は鰻登りで、インターネットのなかった当時、チケットを確保するのは至難の業であった。当時学生だった筆者はANAに勤務していた従兄弟を通し確保した。




O light the heart

That lingers in Merano

Merano! The spa no

Connoisseur of spas would miss

So healthy

Highly recommended

Is this sweet metropolis

Mental and physical bliss!

The gods have smiled

And bless-ed is Merano

Merano! There are no

Fitter burghers to be found

Such vigour!

Take the time to taste us

We’ll give you a welcome that’s typically Tirol

For then we are sure of our ground

Fight now we’re Italian — we used to be German

The border keeps shifting around


Speaking as one of the patriarchs

I don’t mind taking your lira or marks


Oh I get high when I saunter by the mountains of Merano

Rosy-cheeked Merano

Flourishing to a fault

The sparkling streams, the bracing air

The therapeutic salt

I’d have to be carried away to call a halt!

Oh I feel great in this bouncing state o hail to the Merano

Hearty hale Merano

Any objections? Nein!

Where breathing in will turn you on

Where water tastes like wine

Get out your get up and go and get in line

It’s living your life in a show by Rodgers and Hammerstein!

O sad the soul

Who passes by Merano

Merano! so far no

Soul has ever passed us by

They love us

Why not stay forever?

Oh so many reasons why

All those in favour say “Aye”


So sing a song

Let’s hear it for Merano

Merano! Soprano

Alto, tenor, bass agree

We’re wholesome

What a happy haven

This is a place where your arteries soften

Cholesterol hasn’t a chance

From mountain to valley the natural goodness

Is fighting pollution’s advance


So come to us and feel the force

All major credit cards taken of course


Oh I get high when I saunter by the mountains of Merano

Rosy-cheeked Merano

Flourishing to a fault

The sparkling streams, the bracing air

The therapeutic salt

I’d have to be carried away to call a halt

Once in a while all the gods will smile on little old Merano

Humble shy Merano

Suddenly hits the press

And I report with all the pride

And joy that I possess

Half of the world and his wife has our address

Our little town will be rife with games of chess!


Get up your get up and go and get in line

It’s living your life in a show…


What a scene! What a joy!

What a lovely sight

When my game is the big sensation!

Has the mob’s sporting taste

Altered overnight?

Have they found new sophistication?

Not yet! They just want to see

If the nice guy beats the bum

If it’s East-West

And the money’s sky-high

They all come

You can raise all you want

If you raise the roof

Scream and shout and the gate increases

Break the rules — break the bank

I’m the living proof

They don’t care how I move my pieces

I know I’m the best there is

But all they want is a show

Well that’s all right — I’ll be glad to oblige

All right! I’ll be glad to oblige

All right! I’ll be glad to oblige

S.R.O. S.R.O.


Oh I get high when I saunter by the mountains of Merano

Rosy-cheeked Merano

Flourishing to a fault

The sparkling streams, the bracing air

The therapeutic salt

I’d have to be carried away to call a halt

Oh I feel great in this bouncing state o hail to the Merano

Hearty hale Merano

Any objections? Nein!

Where breathing in will turn you on

Where water tastes like wine

Get out your get up and go and get in line

It’s living your life in a show by Rodgers and Hammerstein!

Now for the sell

We put the ice into paradise, we are the salt of the earth

Sound as a bell

Check out the waters

And check out the hygiene

At which we excel

Check into an hotel

And schnell

Body and soul

Get well!

